Our Lab Members

Prinicpal Investigator

A/Prof Susanne Schweizer

I am a Scientia Associate Professor and Australian Research Council DECRA fellow at the University of New South Wales School of Psychology. My lab studies the role of cognitive, social and affective processes in the development and maintenance of common mental health problems across the lifespan, with a particular focus on adolescence and the perinatal period.  

We are interested in finding out how these processes all work together. Does cognitive capacity influence other processes such as emotion regulation? And how? What does this look like in the brain and how does it change as we get older or during certain reproductive periods?  

We also know that peers and social information, such as who likes us and who doesn't, becomes very important during adolescence. More important in fact than at any other time in our lives. In our lab we are exploring how individual differences in the sensitivity to this social information is related to young people's mental well-being and their cognition – even their ability to learn new things.  

Adopting a translational perspective, I apply insights from this work in basic developmental cognitive neuroscience to design novel interventions for mental health problems including depression, anxiety and posttraumatic stress disorder. Before establishing the Developmental Affective Science Lab, I was a Sir Henry Wellcome Fellow at the University of Cambridge and the UCL Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience and I worked as research fellow at the MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit. I completed my PhD in Cognitive Neuroscience as Gates Scholar at the University of Cambridge.

Postdoctoral Research Fellow

Dr Anson Chau

I am a Postdoctoral Fellow in the UNSW School of Psychology, with A/Prof Susanne Schweizer. My research interest is the role of loneliness and social isolation and their role in the development of psychopathology, including depression, social anxiety and schizophrenia (in particular paranoia). I am also interested in psychosocial well-being across the lifespan, especially in early adulthood and old age. I use a wide range of methodologies in my research, including meta-analysis, network analysis, behavioural paradigms and experience sampling methods. I completed my PhD at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, with Professor Suzanne So.

PHD Students

Yuke Chen

I am a Scientia PhD student in the DAS Lab at UNSW, researching cognitive and affective control in adolescent mental health. I have previously completed a Bachelor of Science and a Master of Science in computer science. I am interested in applying computational methods to mental health related issues. 

Karina Grunewald

I am a PhD student exploring novel approaches to target neurocognitive risk factors in adolescents through cognitive training interventions as a Scientia Scholar. I completed a Bachelor of Psychology (Honours) at the University of Sydney, during which I completed research studies in the fields of developmental psychology, psycho-oncology, and an honours thesis on the effects of masculinity threats on male gambling behaviours. I have also undertaken a research internship at McGill University using electroencephalography to conduct novel research in the field of neuroscience and music through the MITACS Globalink Scholarship. In the future, I hope to develop novel interventions for child and adolescent mental health disorders that can easily be disseminated globally. 

Weike Wang

I am a PhD student interested in how adolescents deal with uncertainty. My PhD investigates cognitive factors, especially the role of episodic memory, in adolescents' response to uncertainty and mental health outcomes. I completed a Bachelor of Science (Psychology) (Honours) at the Australian National University and my Honours project explored the effects of hope and fear on people’s attitudes towards positive unknowns. I have also worked as a research intern assisting the development of digital mental health products at Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. In my spare time, I enjoy playing ultimate frisbee with friends. 

Masters Student

Bianca Ton

I am a Master of Psychology (Clinical) student at the University of New South Wales. I have previously worked as a research assistant in the Justice Health Research Program and CanTeen Australia, and I have also volunteered and undertaken research internships within multiple labs in the UNSW School of Psychology. I am passionate about early intervention for mental health, and am particularly interested in the intersection between mental health and physical health. In my spare time, I enjoy going on food adventures.

Honours Students

Anna Bilston

I am a Bachelor of Psychology (Honours) student currently investigating factors impacting the relationship between adolescent’s online social interactions and their mental health. I am particularly interested in child and adolescent development, parenting and education. I am studying psychology to be able to help young people, especially those with mental health or neurodiverse conditions, and their families, successfully navigate the challenges of life. After a career in business advisory and marketing (which I loved because of the psychology behind decision making and consumer brand adoration), my interest in clinical psychology came from my experiences with one neurodiverse and one neurotypical son, who keep me on my toes 24/7. My boys are now great at long haul flights and eating most things as my partner and I have shared with them our passion for travelling as often as possible, and seeking new food experiences here, there and everywhere, and if I ever get a moment to myself, I love art and drawing.

Sarah Marzari

I am a Bachelor of Psychology (Honours) student at the University of New South Wales. My current research is focused on intrusive thoughts in the postpartum period and understanding the mechanisms behind these. Broadly, I am interested in the development of mental health problems across the lifespan, particularly in key stages of development including the perinatal period, early childhood, and adolescence in areas such as attachment and trauma and their role in mood, anxiety, trauma/stressor-related, dissociative and personality disorders. In addition to clinical work, I am also interested in mental health policy and service reform, reflecting my prior career in strategy, communications, and service design, in private and governmental sectors. 

Iona McClean

I am a Bachelor of Psychology (Honours) student completing my Honours year at the University of New South Wales. I am interested in understanding how to improve mental health in adolescents, particularly in at-risk demographics. My thesis focuses on the association between screen time and affective and cognitive control performance, both cross-sectionally and longitudinally, in adolescents, and how social sensitivity is a moderator of this relationship. In the future, I hope to continue to work in the developmental psychology field. Outside of research, I enjoy reading and spending time with my friends.

Research Assistants

Sarah Daniels

I am a research assistant here in the DAS Lab, and have recently completed my Bachelor of Psychology (Honours) degree in 2023. My honours thesis, supervised by A/Prof Schweizer, investigated the efficacy of our novel online intervention in improving the mental health of young people via increasing tolerance of uncertainty. I have previous research experience with the Black Dog Institute and the Refugee Trauma and Recovery Program. I am also passionate about clinical, health, and cross-cultural psychology, and have specific interests in adolescent psycho-oncology and transdiagnostic processes. Apart from this, I love to travel and spend time with friends.

Yasmin Hasan

I am a student research assistant in the lab, and am currently completing my Bachelor of Psychology (Hons) at UNSW. I am fascinated by research on the intersection of cognition, neuroscience and child/adolescent mental health as well as health psychology and the science of learning and memory. I am particularly interested in utilising scalable interventions to support youth mental health and wellbeing. In my free time I enjoy playing piano and reading.

Lab Alumni

Sarah Daniels, Honours student

Jaimee Fischer, Honours student

Sakiko Okayama, Honours student

Matthew Richards, Honours student

Kylie Evans, Honours student

Meiwei Li, Honours student

Jessica Deng, Honours student 

Nicola Hordren, Honours student 

Cassandra Kwok, Honours student 

Theresa Chang, Honours student

Savannah Minihan, PHD student

Matthew Richards, Research assistant

Alba Bruggeman Nelissan, Research intern

Jack Andrews, Postdoctoral researcher

Annabel Songco, Postdocotoral researcher

Melissa Tran, Student intern

Aye Chan Khin, Student assistant

Luke Keevers, Student intern 

Kiarne Humphreys, Student intern 

Talia Crayn, Student intern 

Elizabeth Haris, Research assistant and office manager 

Danah Abdel Khaleq, Research assistant