At the DAS Lab, we have various studies that YOU can participate in!

Become a citizen scientist and help us with our research by participating in one of our ongoing studies!

Take part in one of our online studies below!

Online Social Interaction and Wellbeing Study

  • Project status: Recruitment Closed

    Thanks to social media we are connecting 24/7. Do people connect in different ways for different reasons? How does connecting in-person and online make you feel? 

    Help us find the answers to these questions by participating in this study!

    We are looking for people aged between 18-24 years to participate in an online study. In this study you will complete a series of questionnaires (Part 1), before completing a short survey about your most recent, most important social interaction 3 times a day for one week (Part 2). We will also ask you to repeat some questions one month (Part 3), and three months (Part 4), after the study. At the end of each study part we will also ask you to upload a screenshot of your screen time. If you complete all parts you will receive an Amazon voucher worth AUD$40. 

    To find out more about this study or to participate, click here!

The Emotional Brain Study

  • Become a citizen scientist by downloading our Emotional Brain Study app on the App Store or on Google Play and help us find out more about the development of our brain's ability to regulate emotions!

Networks Study

  • Project status: Recruitment Closed

    How does our mood affect how we learn about connections within a network?

    You can help us find out!

    Much of the world around us is connected by networks - from friendships to flightpaths. In this study we are investigating how we learn about and remember network information. To help us you need to be 13-17 years of age and live in Australia or UK.

    If you complete all parts of the study (approx. 60 minutes), you will receive an AUD$20 (10GBP) voucher! To find out more about the study contact the research team at, or sign up to participate here.

The CORAL (COVID-19 Risks Across the Lifespan) Study 

  • Project status: Recruitment closed

    How does living with the threat of COVID-19 and social distancing affect people’s mental well-being?

    Help us find out by donating your time to research!

    We would like to hear from you now, in 3 months and in 6 months. To help us you need to be 11 years of age or older and live in Australia, UK or USA. To find out more about the study go to: or to participate click here.

    Every 100th participant will win an Amazon voucher worth AUD$100 (£50/US$60).

Social Brain Training Study

  • Project status: Recruitment Closed

    Our brains are super important for our social lives. They shape what we feel, think and do when we interact with others. In this study we want to find out whether we can train our brains to become even more flexible and adaptable in social situations.

    Help us find out by participating in this study!

    We are looking for young people between 13-16 years to participate in an online study. In this study you will use an app to train your social brain everyday for 12 days. We will also ask you to complete some tasks and questions before you start using the app, immediately after the 12-day training. If you complete all parts of the study you will receive an AUD$50 (25GBP) Prezee voucher. If you also complete a final questionnaire one month after your 12-day training you will receive an additional AUD$10 (5GBP) Prezee voucher!

    To find out more about this study or to participate, click here!

The CORAL (COVID-19 Risks Across the Lifespan) Study: India 

  • Project status: Recruitment Closed

    How has COVID-19 affected the mental health and well-being of young people in India?

    Help us find out by donating your time to research!

    This study investigates the impact of COVID-19 on the well-being of young people in India. To help us, you need to be 11-24 years old, live in India, and be fluent in English.

    If you complete all parts of the survey (approx. 10-15 minutes), you will have the chance to win a INR₹250 Amazon online gift card. To find out more about the study go to: or to participate click here.

Social Evaluation Study

  • Project status: Recruitment Closed

    How does being “rated” by others affect young people’s learning and mental well-being?

    Help us find out!

    We hope to use this study to support young people who may struggle in environments where they are frequently evaluated by others. We are looking to recruit participants aged 11-30 years to complete this online study.

    This study will take approximately 60 minutes to complete. If you complete all parts of the study you will receive an AUD$20 online voucher of your choice [Coles (Australia Only) or Amazon].

    If you/your school are interested in taking part you can email for more information, or sign-up to participate here.

The Social Sensitivity in Young People Study

  • Project status: Recruitment Closed

    Mental health difficulties are a leading cause of disability in young people worldwide. And we want to find out why.

    You can help us find out!

    This study explores whether how young people feel and behave in social situations is related to their mental well-being. To explore this, we are looking for young people between 11-30 years to participate in an online study.

    If you complete all parts of the study (approx. 90 minutes) you will receive an AUD$20 online voucher of your choice (Amazon or Coles). If you are interested in participating, you can find more information about the study and how to sign-up here.

Join us to participate in lab-based research!

Social Learning Study

  • Project status: Recruitment Closed

    This study is investigating how young people learn about social information, and whether we can improve social learning through online training. We hope to use this study to help us design a potential training prevention to help young people regulate their emotions to function well academically and stay mentally healthy.

    We are looking to recruit participants aged 11-19 years. The study involves:

    An assessment session, which will take approximately 1 hours. You will be asked to completed some short computer-based tasks and some questionnaires.

    Then, you will be asked to train on some online tasks for 12 days.

    After the online training, there will be another assessment session, followed by an online follow-up questionnaire one month and one year later.

    If you/your school would like more information and/or are interested in taking part, please email